As followers of Jesus Christ, we are privileged to contribute financially to the work of the gospel. Here are a few ways to partner with Rowandale Baptist Church as we seek to make disciples and meet needs both locally and globally: Donating online, Pre-Authorized Giving, or by placing an envelope in the offering basket. 


We can arrange for direct deposit giving from your bank account. You can set the amount, the frequency, and start or stop at any time. Click on the button below to begin the process.


Please make your check payable
Rowandale Baptist Church
Drop it in one of the Offering baskets or Offering box located at the back of the Sanctuary on Sunday, or mail it to:
Rowandale Baptist Church
162 Rowandale Ave
Winnipeg, MB R2K 0A5


See your giving history and much more by downloading the Church Center App

To find our about our Endowment Fund 

Go to this link

Got Questions about giving?