Our Sunday Mornings (Sept – May):
9:25-10:15am: Sunday Class (all ages)
10:30-11:45am: Worship Service
11:00-11:45am: Optional Junior Church Program (ages 3 to grade 1)  
11:45am: Visiting time w/ coffee and treats
If you’re planning to attend our Sunday morning worship service, we recommend arriving a bit early. Access the main entrance facing west, which opens toward our parking lot (additional parking is available behind the strip mall next to our building).
Our Service:
Our Sunday worship service is approximately 75 minutes. In includes singing, prayer, Scripture reading, and a sermon. During each service, we collect an offering, but if you are a guest, please don’t feel obligated to contribute. Simply pass the offering basket to the person next to you.
Options for Children:
For parents with children attending the Sunday morning service, we provide an unsupervised nursery room (ages 0-2) and Junior Church (ages 3-grade 1), led and supervised by screened volunteers. Additional information is available under “Children” in the “Ministries” section above. These ministries take a break over the summer, and children are also welcome to stay in the service if that suits your family. Learn more
Our Culture and Atmosphere:
Our desire as a community is to be a warm and inviting environment. We strive to honour the Lord and serve the church with excellence in our services and ministries.
What to wear:
At Rowandale, attire varies from jeans and t-shirts to suits. Generally, our dress code is casual, so feel free to be yourself!
Worship Music:
Our various worship teams cover a broad range of music, from hymns to more contemporary pieces. Check out this playlist on the Resource page to get a sense of our what songs we sing on Sundays.
Easy Ways to Connect:
After the worship service concludes, join us for coffee and conversations in the downstairs fellowship hall. Alternatively, you can visit in the lobby and introduce yourself to fellow attendees. We’re eager to meet you and help you learn more about our church. Learn more 
Looking forward to seeing you soon!